Thursday, December 25, 2014
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Christian Church bruned down by authorities in Harar Ethiopia
Yet another Christian church was destroyed by Muslims in Ethiopia—this time by local authorities.
Heaven’s Light Church, which served some 100 evangelical Christians, was demolished last November 28. The church had stood and functioned in the Muslim-majority city of Harar for five years. In the days preceding the destruction, officials forcibly removed the church’s exterior sign and warned believers not to worship there, citing complaints by a local Muslim. Officials further told church members who had previously congregated at the church “not to gather under what remains of the church building.” Accordingly, Christians are now meeting in homes of individual believers.
Prior to the demolition of the church, when some Christian leaders protested, they were illegally detained, released only after community members, “outraged by the wrongful detentions,” called “for their immediate release,” reported International Christian Concern, a rights advocacy groupsupporting the Christians:
These are no isolated incidents, explained ICC, adding that it had documented “numerous ongoing land rights battles between churches and their local governments across Ethiopia.”
In many cases, ICC said, “churches have been operating peacefully for decades on land given to them by now-deceased former congregants.”
However efforts by local majority Muslim populations to “eliminate the public presence” of churches resulted in the forceful closure, destruction and demolition of several church buildings in recent years, according to ICC investigators.
ICC’s Regional Manager for Africa, Cameron Thomas, accused Ethiopia of violating the rights of devoted Christians. “Corrupt officials willing to defend their religion [Islam] rather than the laws they’ve sworn to uphold, are violating Christians’ rights by forcibly closing, destroying and demolishing churches across Ethiopia,” the official said.
If this is the treatment Christian churches receive by Muslim officials and politicians—“sworn to uphold” the rights of every citizen, not just Muslims—one can imagine the treatment churches receive by Muslim mobs. One example suffices:
In 2011, after a Christian was accused of desecrating a Koran, thousands of Christians were forced to flee their homes when “Muslim extremists set fire to roughly 50 churches and dozens of Christian homes” in a Muslim-majority region in western Ethiopia. At least one Christian was killed, many injured, and anywhere from 3,000 to 10,000 displaced. Around the same time, in another area that is 90% Muslim, “all the Christians in the city woke up to find notes on their doors warning them to convert to Islam, leave the city or face death.”
For those few Western observers who live beyond the moment and have an interest in the “big picture”—the world bequeathed to future generations—it is well to reflect on the question of numbers in the context of Ethiopia. As Jonathan Racho, another official at ICC, earlier said, “It’s extremely disconcerting that in Ethiopia, where Christians are the majority, they are also the victims of persecution.”
That Muslims are an otherwise peaceable minority group in Ethiopia, but in enclaves where they represent the majority, they attack their outnumbered Christian countrymen, suggests that Muslim aggression and passivity are very much rooted in numbers. This reflects what I call “Islam’s Rule of Numbers,” which holds that, wherever and whenever Muslims grow in number—and thus in strength and confidence—so too does Muslim intolerance for “the other” grow (video explanation here).
This naturally has lessons for the West, especially European nations like Britain and France that have a significant and ever-growing Muslim population—and where church attacks and even beheadings are now taking place.
By way of final illustration, the reader is left with the story of Islam’s entry into Ethiopia, one of the oldest Christian civilizations. According to Islamic tradition, in 615, when the pagan Quraysh were persecuting Muhammad’s outnumbered followers and disciples in Arabia, some fled to Ethiopia seeking sanctuary. The Christian king, or “Negus” of Ethiopia, welcomed and protected these Muslim fugitives, ignoring Quraysh demands to return them—and thus reportedly winning Muhammad’s gratitude.
Today, 14 centuries later, when Islam has carved itself a solid niche in Ethiopia, accounting for 1/3 of the population, Muslim gratitude has turned into Muslim aggression—not least a warning to Western states.
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Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Ethiopian Officials Destroy Evangelical Church in Harar
Tuesday, December 9, 2014 (10:25 pm) | Worthy News / Christian Persecution, Christian Persecution - Africa, Ethiopia
By Joseph DeCaro, Worthy News Correspondent
HARARE (Worthy News)– Heaven's Light Church in Harare, Ethiopia, was demolished Nov. 28 by order of the Shenkore administrative district that just days before had forcibly removed the church's sign, according to International Christian Concern.
After the demolition, Heaven's Light Pastor Zemach Tadesse, his wife Aster and Pastor Yosefe Hailemariam were all detained for hours after attempting to photograph their damaged church.
As all the land in Ethiopia is publicly owned, churches are unable to legally purchase property and build permanent places of worship. Instead, congregations must lease land until they are forced to either renegotiate the lease, or vacate the premises and undo any changes they made to the proeprty.
Heaven's Light Church had operated unnoticed for five years, but after complaints by a local Muslim, officials removed the church's exterior sign and warned its congregation that they would be back to destroy the church if the worship of Christ continued. Instead, the congregation continued to worship until the authorities returned and tore down the church's roof, removed its siding and then confiscated the property.
Pastor Tadesse told ICC that his congregation is now meeting in small groups in members' homes after local officials warned him not to worship at what's left of his church's building.
Cameron Thomas, ICC's Regional Manager for Africa, said: "Every member of the Heaven's Light Church holds the right — as a human being under international law and as a citizen of Ethiopia — to freely practice their Christianity. Instead, corrupt officials willing to defend their religion rather than the laws they've sworn to uphold are violating Christians' rights by forcibly closing, destroying and demolishing churches across Ethiopia …"
HARARE (Worthy News)– Heaven's Light Church in Harare, Ethiopia, was demolished Nov. 28 by order of the Shenkore administrative district that just days before had forcibly removed the church's sign, according to International Christian Concern.
After the demolition, Heaven's Light Pastor Zemach Tadesse, his wife Aster and Pastor Yosefe Hailemariam were all detained for hours after attempting to photograph their damaged church.
As all the land in Ethiopia is publicly owned, churches are unable to legally purchase property and build permanent places of worship. Instead, congregations must lease land until they are forced to either renegotiate the lease, or vacate the premises and undo any changes they made to the proeprty.
Heaven's Light Church had operated unnoticed for five years, but after complaints by a local Muslim, officials removed the church's exterior sign and warned its congregation that they would be back to destroy the church if the worship of Christ continued. Instead, the congregation continued to worship until the authorities returned and tore down the church's roof, removed its siding and then confiscated the property.
Pastor Tadesse told ICC that his congregation is now meeting in small groups in members' homes after local officials warned him not to worship at what's left of his church's building.
Cameron Thomas, ICC's Regional Manager for Africa, said: "Every member of the Heaven's Light Church holds the right — as a human being under international law and as a citizen of Ethiopia — to freely practice their Christianity. Instead, corrupt officials willing to defend their religion rather than the laws they've sworn to uphold are violating Christians' rights by forcibly closing, destroying and demolishing churches across Ethiopia …"
Ethiopia: Muslim Police Join Students in Demolishing Church
More than 500 Muslim students assisted by Muslim police burned down a church in the village of Qoto Baloso, Ethiopia, on Nov. 29.
In "Christian Persecution"
House Church in Xilinhot Raided: Officials Destroy Property, Detain Pastor
In Xilinhot, officials from the Religious Affairs Bureau, the Public Security's Domestic Security Protection Squad, the United Front Work Department as well as local police raided a house church, confiscating…
In "China"
Friday, November 7, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Friday, October 17, 2014
Ethiopia: US Warns of Potential al-Shabaab Terrorist Attack on Addis Ababa
- October 15, 2014 13:31 BST
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A general view of the Friendship City Center shopping mall in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa(Reuters)
The US Embassy in Ethiopia has warned that the Somali terror group al-Shabaab may be planning to attack the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.
"The embassy has received threat reports of al-Shabaab's intent to target the Bole area [in the capital]," a statement published on the US State Department website read.
The statement also advised US citizens to avoid locations frequented by Westerners for fear that these are at a higher risk of attack.
"Restaurants, hotels, bars, places of worship, supermarkets, and shopping malls in the Bole Area should be avoided until further notice because they are possible targets for a potential imminent terrorist attack."
"While the exact location of this planned terrorist attack is not known, US citizens should continue to maintain heightened personal security awareness," the embassy said.
It is believed that al-Shabaab wish to attack the East African country because Ethiopian troops are part of a coalition of African Union (AU) forces which are battling the group's insurgency in Somalia.
The militants were forced to retreat from the Somali capital, Mogadishu, in 2011 because of the AU troop presence while they have retreated from approximately 70% of areas they had controlled in Somalia.
In June this year, Ethiopian authorities detained 25 suspects for links to the terror group in the southwestern city of Jimma.
Two Somali nationals died when their explosives detonated prematurely in a failed suicide plot in October 2013 to kill football fans watching Ethiopia's World Cup qualifying match against Nigeria.
Ethiopia has managed to avoid a large-scale terror attack in comparison with the group's siege on the Westgate Mall in Nairobi and a bomb attack on football fans in Uganda in 2010.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Saturday, October 4, 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Six weeks after being declared dead, Canadian Jihadi Farah Mohamed Shirdon resurfaces with threats of NY terror attack | National Post
Six weeks after he was declared dead, a Canadian in the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham resurfaced on video Thursday, vowing the terrorist group was preparing to bomb New York and fly its flag over the White House.
Interviewed from Iraq by the U.S. website, Farah Mohamed Shirdon, a former Calgary movie theatre employee, appeared erratic and became increasingly enraged as he dished out threats and claimed God was on his side.
“God willing, we will make some attacks in New York soon, a lot of brothers are mobilizing there right now in the West, thanks to Allah,” he said. Smiling, he added they were “mobilizing for a brilliant attack, my friend.”
ISIS was conducting beheadings because “you attack one of us, we will attack one of you,” he said, adding, “We will stop when we behead the kuffar [disbelievers] and when we turn his children into our slaves.”
But as if to undermine his boasts, he said he was under attack “day and night” and would have to go, apparently because of yet another assault. Calling himself Abu Usamah, Mr. Shirdon was eulogized online by fellow terrorists in August but later returned to Twitter to say he had been injured but was aliv
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Monday, August 18, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Friday, August 15, 2014
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Unarmed Black Men Killed by Law Enforcement - The Root
The shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., reopens a fresh wound just weeks after a police chokehold killed Eric Garner in New York City.
Oscar Grant; Eric Garner; Wendell Allen
Image 1 of 21
Michael Brown, 18, was on his way to his grandmother's house in Ferguson, Mo.--a surburb just outside of St. Louis -- on August 9, 2014 when a series of events would claim his life.
According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, some reports indicate that Brown and the police officer who's accused of shooting him engaged in an initial struggle for an officer’s gun inside a patrol car before the teen was shot. But a 19-year-old witness told the paper that she saw a police officer attempting to place Brown in the rear seat of a police car. She then saw Brown trying to flee the car, with his hands in the air, while multiple shots were fired at him.
Brown planned to start college on Monday, August 11.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Monday, August 11, 2014
ISIS Releases Map of 5-Year Plan to Spread from Spain to China
ISIS’ Goals for Iraq and Syria
Background on ISIS, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.
The jihadists terrorists of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS)-- now trying to rebrand as simply the "Islamic State"-- have released a new map that outlines the territory they aspire to conquer within the next five years. That territory spans from Morocco and Spain out to Sri Lanka and the border of China.
The map, which surfaced on Twitter and has begun to be distributed widely throughout social media, paints in black every territory ISIS wishes to incorporate into the newly announced caliphate, which currently only spans, according to ISIS officials, throughout Syria ("al-Sham") and Iraq. The Daily Mail notes that the westernmost territory of the map, labeled "Maghreb," is the Western Sahara, including Mali, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and a host of other nations. In Europe, the western limits of the empire are Spain-- "Al-Andaluz"-- a territory once controlled by Muslims in the Middle Ages. The map then incorporates almost every nation between Spain and the borders of China, as well as "Greece, Romania and Bulgaria - extending its territories in eastern Europe as far as Austria, which appears to be based on a pre-First World War borders of the Austro-Hungarian Empire."
Since the map is not labeled using the political distinctions recognized by the rest of the world, it is unclear whether ISIS includes parts of China in their caliphate. Western China is home to millions of Muslims, many of the Uyghur ethnic minority. Uyghur separatists have been blamed for a recent string of terror attacks in Xinjiang, in the westernmost limits of the nation.
ABC News notes that the map began to surface on social media as ISIS made strides in conquering cities in Iraq, and was most widely disseminated as the terrorist group formalized the announcement of the caliphate under their leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
The map is part of a larger propaganda effort meant in equal measure to attract Western Muslims to the cause of jihad and scare Iraqi and Syrian soldiers out of fighting against them. The former effort has resulted in a large volume of English-language multimedia, the product of ISIS's press outlet, Al Hayat Media. In one video, a jihadist mocks President Barack Obama in English, asking whether he has "prepared diapers for your soldiers." The other side to ISIS's propaganda outfit are images spread over Twitter and other social media detailing the atrocities these jihadists commit. This week, the Syrian Conservatory for Human Rights, an NGO stationed in the region, confirmed that nine men had been crucified for not being extremist enough in their commitment to jihad. The images have made the rounds on the internet, as jihadists proudly pass them on the followers.
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